Welcome to the Health Office at Glenville School
Tel: 203-413-8565 Fax: 203-532-0179
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Forms Information
Health Forms and Immunizations are required for all new students registering to attend the Greenwich Public Schools and again as they enter grades 3, 6 and 10. Students will not be permitted to attend school without a completed health form on file with the school. For more information go to Health Forms and Immunizations.
For information regarding Medications, Illnesses & Special Health Care Needs, and Health Screenings follow links to the District Health Services pages.
Notes from Nurse Hupal/Health Alerts
Lice Prevention
We need to work as a community to prevent lice in our classrooms. Lice is not associated with any health issues, but it is a nuisance, and prevention is possible. As you send your child, please consider the following. (1) Remind children not to share any personal items that touch the head. (2) Pull shoulder length (or longer) hair back whenever possible. (3) Immediately share information with the school nurse if you find lice – it is nothing to be ashamed of, but it is highly contagious. And most importantly: (4) Consider weekly comb-outs on your child(ren) -- A 2-minute comb-out once a week, with a metal toothed comb, may reduce your child’s risk. Comb-outs make sense regardless of whether you see lice. They are generally preventive, as they can eliminate a stray nit or two before you even see them.
For more information: Greenwich Public Schools School Health Services
For information on the Coronavirus, please refer to the Greenwich Public School Health Services Page at GPS COVID-19 Information